
SanAir Technologies Laboratory, Inc.


What is Legionella Analysis?

What is Legionella Analysis?

Before discussing Legionella analysis, let’s take a brief look at and understand Legionella.

What is Legionella?

bacterium Legionella pneumophilaLegionella is a pathogenic group of bacteria that is rod-shaped and gram-negative. It causes legionellosis; a group of deadly illnesses consisting primarily of Legionnaire’s Disease which is a more lethal form of pneumonia and other minor diseases like Lochgoilhead fever and Pontiac fever. Pontiac fever is a mild influenza-like illness, whereas Lochgoilhead fever is a mild form of lung infection.


Can The Entomopathogenic Fungus Be Used For Effective Pest Control?

Can The Entomopathogenic Fungus Be Used For Effective Pest Control?

flyTo answer that, first we must explain what an entomopathogenic fungus is. Although, it is a fungus, its quality differentiates it from other fungi. Entomopathogenic fungus is a parasite, most known for killing or seriously disabling invertebrates. In short, it’s a form of insecticide that Mother Nature herself provides.

How Does This Work?

Usually, this dangerous fungus attaches itself to the outer body of the invertebrate in question, taking the form of microscopic spores. These spores will then germinate, but this will only happen if the conditions are right. That means that extremely high temperature and humidity is necessary to provide ideal growing conditions for any fungus.

After the germination period, spores go through their life-cycle. That eventually leads the germinated hyphae inside the insect’s body cavity. A proliferation process starts inside the host body, where the fungal cells attack and damage the entire working mechanism of the insect.


What is Viable Swab Surface Sampling?

What is Viable Swab Surface Sampling?

Fungi Aspergillus black moldIn many industries like hospitals, pharmaceutical laboratories, equipment manufacturers, biotech firms, plants, etc., there’s a need for a clean and healthy working environment. Such environments can only be maintained when there are little to no microorganisms present in the air and on surfaces. Various methods are employed to identify the different types of microorganisms present and minimize them.

Two of the most common methods used to sample microorganisms are air sampling and surface sampling. In surface sampling, the suspected surface is examined for identification of viable and non-viable microorganisms.


The Danger Posed to Humans by Lead Contamination

The Danger Posed to Humans by Lead Contamination

Symptoms of lead poisoning rasterLead is a highly toxic metal that is naturally present in the Earth’s crust. It is used in various processes such as manufacturing, formation of paints and gasoline, batteries etc., and is also released in the environment as a result of various human activities such as mining, recycling, and smelting.

These practices have resulted in the contamination of our environment with this poisonous material.


How Are Air Samples Gathered And Sent To A Lab For Testing?

How Are Air Samples Gathered And Sent To A Lab For Testing?

air o cell sampling cassettes and bio pumpThe air around us is filled with numerous hazardous materials and bacteria that can cause several health issues. These pollutants range from dust, vapors, gases, various chemicals, and microorganisms. This is not only related to outdoor air, as several studies have found that indoor air can sometimesbe more contaminated. Air sampling and testing is done to check the quality of air in your environment.


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