
SanAir Technologies Laboratory, Inc.



SanAir Technologies, Cincinnati-Area Environmental Lab, Earns NVLAP Asbestos Accreditation

SanAir Technologies, Cincinnati-Area Environmental Lab, Earns NVLAP Asbestos Accreditation


Air-O-Cell® Cassettes: What Are They Used For?

Air-O-Cell® Cassettes: What Are They Used For?

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When discussing air testing, the first question many people have is “how are samples collected?” While many people picture collecting a sample of air in a jar or some other simple container, the actual process is much more efficient than that. All in all, air samples typically require a filtration process in which the air is pushed through a filter or slide and the contents of the filter/slide are then analyzed for particulate matter and contaminants. That’s exactly why we use Air-O-Cell® Cassettes.

Air-O-Cell® Cassettes are manufactured by Zefon International and are basically miniature air filtration chambers that catch air contaminants on a small slide for microscopic analysis. Contaminant-laden air is pushed through an inlet slit using an air pump and directed toward the slide. The air passes through the chamber, leaving particles behind on the slide and passing out of the other side of the chamber. This slide can then be extracted from the cassette and analyzed directly underneath a microscope for particles and contaminants.


Why It’s Important to Monitor the Quality of Water

Why It’s Important to Monitor the Quality of Water

Quality drinking water is essential for our health and well-being. Testing water quality is important for municipalities, businesses, and homeowners. Whether water is used for drinking or irrigation, it’s vital that water quality is monitored regularly so that any problems can be addressed in a timely manner.
In this article, you will learn about common water contaminants and why it’s important to contact commercial laboratories for regular testing of water quality.

What are the most common contaminants in the United States?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), common contaminants can be biological, pathogenic, chemical and mineral. Below, we will discuss some of the most common contaminants and the impact they have on individuals who ingest them.


What Affects the Quality of Our Drinking Water?

What Affects the Quality of Our Drinking Water?

Water quality is essential to good health. Poor water quality can lead to various diseases. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), some of the most common causes of public water system contamination outbreaks in the U.S. are Giargia, Legionella, Norovirus, Shigella, Copper, E. coli and Salmonella. The presence of these contaminants can lead to serious health problems including gastrointestinal disorders. That’s why it’s essential to perform routine, comprehensive water testing to ensure quality drinking water resources that is free of any contaminants.

But what are the factors that affect the quality of drinking water? What factors degrade the water quality? Below, we will discuss the answers to those questions and more.


How is asbestos testing performed?

How is asbestos testing performed?

Asbestos fiber as seen in a microscopeIf you live in an older home and/or you’re planning renovations, it is wise to consider the potential for asbestos exposure in your home. Removing asbestos from the home can be an arduous process.

The first step to removing this potentially dangerous material from your home is to properly identify it. Asbestos can persist in a variety of areas within your home including acoustic ceiling spray, floor tiles, linoleums, insulations, drywall/joint compounds, exterior stuccos, roofing, etc. Thus, it is very important to have testing performed prior to initiating the demolition or renovation process in your home. By contacting professionals, you can ensure that your home and your family is safe from asbestos exposure before, during, and after your renovation.


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